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Want to nominate your organization?

Fill out the form below to nominate your non-profit or charity organization.

Please enter phone in following formats:
  • without extension: 123-456-7890
  • with extension: 123-456-7890 1234

Helping our community

Since being founded in 2010, LRN has donated over $10,000 to groups. It is our belief that we should give back to the community in an effort to help those in need and help build stronger ties within the community. Lawrence Referral Network gives 60% of all received dues to a local charity, non-profit, or group voted organization.

We are always searching for new ways to give back to the community. If you are part of a non-profit or charity organization and would like to be considered for a donation, then please fill out the form.

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Dynamically Place Name Here
Dynamically Place Name Here
Dynamically Place Name Here
Dynamically Place Name Here
Dynamically Place Name Here
Dynamically Place Name Here
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